Friday, July 19, 2024

This is, what, the third time a court has told Biden

"You cannot do this"?
-A federal appeals court on Thursday blocked President Joe Biden's administration from continuing to implement a new student debt relief plan designed to lower monthly payments for millions of Americans.
Stubborn bastard, isn't he?


Anonymous said...

There's zero down side for him (well, for whatever persons are doing this; sleepy Joe isn't the one pulling the strings).

There is no punishment for flagrantly violating the constitution. Once the money is dolled out, no one is going to reach in and take it back.

Mind your own business said...

... for millions of wanna-be deadbeat former college students who don't comprehend what a contract means

Dan said...

The criminals in power simply ignore court opinions they don't like. Why wouldn't they. The court has zero power to enforce its opinions.