Monday, April 15, 2024

If there's a war and they're involved, the Brit Navy is screwed

Britain's £6billion fleet of Royal Navy destroyers have gyms where land attack missiles should be due to the weapons being too expensive to buy.

The lack of weapons on the Type 45 warships has raised concerns the Navy is falling even further behind the United States, with drastic shortages of sailors also prompting warnings.

Well, you crap on your military, want everyone all woke or gone, and decide you'd rather spend on social(ist) crap than keep your forces ready, what do you expect?

Like our military, in fact.


Anonymous said...

They don't need their own navy. They have ours. They just need a reason to gift taxmoney to their shipyards.


Rob said...

How far down that road is our navy?

Anonymous said...

Some of us Brits don't like it either. We want a functioning navy. You know, aircraft carriers that don't malfunction on leaving harbour (or trying to) and that have combat-capable planes aboard; nuclear subs with missiles that work as intended when fired; destroyers and frigates with sufficient power for everything to work at the same time if needed, and properly armed. We will cheerfully pay taxes to have this but our government is long on promise and short on action.

Firehand said...

I'd imagine you don't like it. After all, you're a target for the bad guys too.