Tuesday, May 03, 2022

God damn every so-called 'teacher' involved in this.

Every one of them involved, from the principal on down, should be fired and banned from ever working around kids.  They're doing this shit to 4-year olds...


Fred Horn said...

That is absolute bullshit. They should be drawn and quartered. Assholes.

Anonymous said...

Every damn one of them

Steve Sky said...

This brings to mind the USSR & East Germany, where family members were taught to report "bad think" by other family members to the secret police. This sounds like the Swamp is training children to perform their bidding, so they will report family members "bad think" whenever the Swamp wants. Note, "bad think" can change as the Swamp's priorities change.

markm said...

Commies just acting like Commies...