Friday, December 28, 2018

A: The Brit cops were useless(probably most still are),

B: The NHS is involved as well:
During her ordeal she had eight abortions, five of them overseen by the same doctor at an NHS hospital and others in illegal backstreet clinics.

C: Some of the cops were quite useful.  To the rapists and slavers:
The gang still tried to silence her. Sickeningly, she says, at one stage a Muslim officer turned off the tape recorder during an interview with her and told her to drop allegations against one of her attackers 'because of lack of evidence. 

She was so frightened, she did so. 'The police officer came from the same community as the gang and has since been imprisoned for child sex crimes himself,' she says now.

D: They need to stop calling them 'grooming gangs' and call them what they are: slavers.

In a sidebar the cops in this case have the most bullshit 'explanation' of why they didn't act... it boils down to 'We know better now, and you can trust us.  Really, you can!'

'Sickening' is just the beginning of proper description of this.  Makes you wonder just how many of the cops and NHS and social services bastards were involved with the slavers.

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