Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Progressive/nutcase-feminist 'thought': 'It doesn't matter if you lie

as long as we like it.'
But on Monday, The University of Wyoming Police Department issued a citation to Lanker-Simons for “interference” for “false statements she made to the UW Police Department,” according to a UW statement referred to by Laramie Boomerang Online.

"Subject admitted to making a controversial post on UW Crushes webpage and then lied about not doing it," according to the citation.

The University of Wyoming also confirmed a statement that the police had “"obtained substantial evidence verifying that the offending Facebook post came from Lanker-Simons' computer, while the computer was in her possession.”

Got that?  Caught in the act, confession, the works.  Now, the demonstration of how much regard her supporters have for the truth:
“Meg Lanker-Simons is innocent we believe what she did was justified and deserves not to be held accountable for her accusations we stand behind you sister,” reads that page’s description.
How 'bout this, you effing morons: You just gave people reason to distrust ANYTHING you say or do in the future; have you considered that, or do you just not care?


JohnOC said...

So the letter was "fake but accurate"?

George Groot said...

I've been saying it for years, the progressives aren't logical, they are teleological. Anything that they need to be right is right, damn the facts.

That is why they hate us with our cold hard facts and objective existence. We literally do not live in the same reality.