Friday, October 04, 2024

There was an article the other day about the longshoreman strike,

that it was suspended until January.

An actual agreement.
A "We're hurting the Democrats and we don't want to do that before the election." decision.
"Holy crap, me telling people 'I will ruin you!' really pissed them off, let's shut this down until things settle down."
Connection to the above: "Holy crap, people are so pissed they're telling the dock owners to start automating NOW, we need to calm this down!"

Which do you think?


Magson said...

All of the above, plus DeSantis ordering the National Guard to protect and re-open the ports would show it's perhaps not as highly skilled a job as they like to say if random NG members can simply step in, which would then show that the union could be easily replaced with new folks.

Anonymous said...

I think the union prez timed this for October in order to extract a hefty bribe for himself from the Party, in exchange for an agreement to postpone the strike until after the election. Those yachts aren't going to pay for themselves.

Rick said...

All of the above.

riverrider said...

all of the above. plus a big ol' gfy.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the golden goose squawked loud enough that even the idiots strangling it decided to ease off and kill it least until one more gold lump falls out its arse.

Steve said...

Add in the fact that DeSantis said, "ok, you all go on strike; I'm going to get the National Guard in here to do your job...".
I bet that one carried a bunch of weight with the members.

Country Boy said...

That implies that there's only one cause. Any one of the three is a minor inconvenience. All three together, plus the current leanings of many union members towards Trump, are giving the union leaders real heartburn. The strike has been suspended until after the election so that the union's propaganda machine can promise the world, but that it can only happen if the Democrats win. Look what happened in Venezuela, the socialists promised wonderful free stuff and the populace ate it up. Now they're paying the price. I fear we'll be paying the price soon.

rickn8or said...

Plus, should Trump win, he'll be the bad guy when he sends the longshoremen back to work.

JMcMurray said...

All Dem politics. Hope they get PATCO'd by Trump and end the increased cost of everything to all of us by these leeches.
Sorry, being a protected union guy who can be automated out of existence may have made me sympathetic, oh, 30 years ago. Since then, I have heard "Learn to code" from the privileged. Screw it. Automate them out of existence, lower costs and stop the union extortion.