Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Yesterday went from hot & fairly humid with a 'slight chance' of thunderstorms

that night, to 50% as it was building, to 60% as it was moving this way.  The really nasty part missed my area, but it did give us some needed rain.

Which brings me again to the weather and news weenies almost shrieking about the heat as if it'd never been pretty hot in late June before.  Jeez.

It is hot out there, and after the rain even more humid, so I'm going to try to keep to indoor activities today, and the garden's too wet to till.  And, despite what I said the other day, I did hit the range yesterday so that's out of the way.  Not successfully on one thing, because while testing loads I noticed a increase in group size as I went along, and found the front mount screw was loose.  So no more testing on that.  The other shooting was good, though less than usual, as it getting hot enough as it approached noon(it's near a river bottom area so you can imagine the humidity) that I was very glad I only brought two boomsticks.

I will note a guy who showed up not long before I left.  He unloaded a 1903A3 Springfield, some ammo, and proceeded to- offhand with sling- hit the 200 yard gong regularly, and when done packed up and went.  I think he lives nearby, making "I'll just go ring steel for a few rounds" possible.

There were a couple of loads that, despite the problem, looked promising, so I'll have some loading to do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Testing in the heat can be a chore no doubt. Add heat and a loose sight, well that’s just a “tomorrow” project.