Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Over in Britain,

"We can't do something to praise Britain for helping stop slavery, we want Britain considered Evil(because anything else will upset the BLM types)!"
Would make one hell of a movie, except Hollywood wouldn't touch it either.


1 comment:

Sailorcurt said...

That's sad, I didn't even know about that ship, I'll have to look more into it. Would make a great movie on par with "Master and Commander" which I thoroughly enjoyed.

That's something that's been missing from the "slavery" discussion for a long, long time: Yes, whites participated in slavery just like every other race, country and demographic group in human history...but whites are also the ones who ended it.

270,000 Americans gave their lives to end slavery in the US...the blacks sure has heck didn't do it on their own. So why don't we get any credit for that?

Slavery is still alive and well in some parts of the world, most notably, at least in this context, Africa.

We not only ended slavery in this country but have overcome racism to the point that blacks can openly express hatred for whites in this country without fear of retribution, but somehow it's never enough.