Saturday, July 08, 2023

Seventh evening

and it is time for the update of this page that involves pleasant- some very pleasant- visions.

Judge tells the administration "Stop it. You are not allowed to censor

what people have to say, whether it's directly or working through a private company."  Which is right.

The clowns response:
“The Government faces irreparable harm with each day the injunction remains in effect,” contends a July 6 motion from the Biden administration in response to federal Judge Terry Doughty’s preliminary injunction in Missouri v. Biden. Government lawyers argued that it may “prevent the Government from engaging in a vast range of lawful and responsible conduct,” and therefore, a stay of the injunction “is in the public interest.”
So they consider censoring people, destroying their lives and jobs, and otherwise spitting on that Constitution they swore to uphold, 'lawful and responsible conduct' and 'in the public interest.'
Which, to them it is because "WE are the Public Interest" is how they see themselves: "We are standing in the way of misinformation and disinformation, which is anything that causes us problems in what we want to do."

I'm surprised they didn't suffer serious burns on their lower bodies as they took their oath of office.

Friday, July 07, 2023

Just because I feel like it, I give you

a bit more for the sixth eve, who I always thought one of the hottest women around, Lisa Marie Scott

Thursday, July 06, 2023

The short version: "How dare you tell us we can't partner with the .gov to censor speech!"

Longer part:
“Mr. Jaffer added that the government has to balance between calling out false speech without stepping into informal coercion that veers toward censorship,” the NY Times reported. “Unfortunately Judge Doughty’s order doesn’t reflect a serious effort to reconcile the competing principles,” Jaffer told the newspaper.

“Some of the facts Judge Doughty describes in this opinion raise serious constitutional questions, but his order would insulate social media cos from criticism, not just coercion,” Jaffer tweeted from his personal account. “He should narrow the order, or the appeals court should do it for him.”

With, of course, the Beings of Superior Reasoning like himself deciding what's false, or 'misinformation'.

Things have gotten awful sporty in France,

and when politicians are this insistent that 'There are no private citizens doing this to the rioters' it does make you wonder how many there are.

And a number of other countries are being very happy they didn't let the hordes of 'immigrants' in.

Especially when so many of said immigrants are young males who have zero intention of blending into the country.

Wednesday, July 05, 2023

These people have lied to us so much, why would this surprise me?

In April 2020, Hershel Smith wrote The Truth About Hydroxychloroquine.

He said, “This is a conclusion statement by a NIH study on Coronavirus (Covid-19 is SARs, Bat-SARs + some proteins that mimic HIV). This study, entitled ‘Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread,’ was completed and published on August 22, 2005, a study of which Dr. Fauci is certainly aware.

“The truth about this effective and safe medication is far more sinister. For political reasons, the administrative state is opposing the very prophylaxis they recommended in 2005 for this disease.

“The same bureaucracy is still selling the snake oil that this virus is zoonotic. The two videos below show, based on both genetic analysis and paper trail, this virus has an extremely low probability of being zoonotic. This virus has been studied at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, in Canada, Harvard, and at the Wuhan institute. Actual biological material was stolen from the study in Canada, and the Obama administration actually stopped the funding for the study (apparently too late) when they saw the supercharging of the SARs virus that the researchers were pursuing — with the same visiting collaborating Chinese researcher in all instances.”

And, oh yes, there's more.

But- but Philadelphia has all those gun laws,

how could he have had such a gun? Oh, right, Philadephia, PA.
The rifle-wielding suspect who donned a bulletproof vest before allegedly shooting dead five men and injuring two children in Philadelphia has been identified as a Black Lives Matter supporter who shared gun-toting memes on social media.
Back in his history,
Carriker had been arrested in 2003 and charged with possession of a weapon without a license, carrying a firearm in public and drug possession, according to Philadelphia court records.

He eventually pleaded guilty to having a firearm without a license and the other charges were dropped.

He was placed on three years’ probation and made to pay over $1,000 in costs.

And, of course, Biden & Co. are yelling for bans of whatever they think they can get away with.

Once more, can you say 'The fix was in'?

A prosecutor who signed off on the documents charging Hunter Biden with tax and gun crimes previously worked with one of the First Son’s business partners, can reveal.

Delaware US Attorney David Weiss officially filed charges against the president’s son last Tuesday after a near five-year probe into his alleged tax crimes and foreign financial dealings.

Weiss’s deputy, Assistant United States Attorney Derek Hines, signed off on the charging documents alongside his boss and two other assistant US attorneys – indicating he has a central role in Hunter’s criminal prosecution.

According to Hines’s LinkedIn account, he previously worked as Special Counsel to ex-FBI director Louis Freeh at his private company, Freeh Group International Solutions, a lobbying and ‘risk management’ consultancy that teamed up with Hunter on overseas business currently under scrutiny by lawmakers.
This story is just astonishing to me. Even if one is to assume that Hines’ connections to Hunter Biden didn’t influence the deal, is there really any excuse for the federal government to be this incestuous? Am I really to believe that the DOJ couldn’t manage to put a full team of prosecutors on such a contentious case without one of them having a connection to Hunter Biden’s business dealings? AG Merrick Garland could have appointed a special counsel years ago to ensure none of this was an issue, and for that matter, so could both of Donald Trump’s attorneys general.

No one did, though, because this is all seen as normal in Washington. Backslaps, winks, and nods are the name of the game.

I'll say it again: people need to be in cells for this.

Sunday, July 02, 2023

Another civil rights victory, this one

on the 2nd Amendment and reining in power-hungry bureaucrats.
In another blow to President Joe Biden’s war on guns, a federal judge has reversed an ATF ban on so-called “ghost guns,” ruling that the president and his gun agency overstepped their jurisdiction.

And there was great rejoicing among people of good will.

“The issue in this case is whether ATF may properly regulate a component as a ‘frame or receiver’ even after ATF determines that the component in question is not a frame or receiver. It may not. Logic dictates that a part cannot be both not yet a receiver and receiver at the same time. Defendants’ reliance on that logical contradiction is fatal to their argument,” wrote the judge.
And this does not bode well for the "We said it was legal and then changed our minds, making up the law each time" mess on wrist braces.