Sunday, July 02, 2023

Another civil rights victory, this one

on the 2nd Amendment and reining in power-hungry bureaucrats.
In another blow to President Joe Biden’s war on guns, a federal judge has reversed an ATF ban on so-called “ghost guns,” ruling that the president and his gun agency overstepped their jurisdiction.

And there was great rejoicing among people of good will.

“The issue in this case is whether ATF may properly regulate a component as a ‘frame or receiver’ even after ATF determines that the component in question is not a frame or receiver. It may not. Logic dictates that a part cannot be both not yet a receiver and receiver at the same time. Defendants’ reliance on that logical contradiction is fatal to their argument,” wrote the judge.
And this does not bode well for the "We said it was legal and then changed our minds, making up the law each time" mess on wrist braces.


  1. The relevant question is who is going to force BATFEces to obey this or any other ruling they don't like. The left routinely ignores court rulings they don't like...and do so with complete impunity.


      The courts, unlike the military or unconstitutional alphabet agencies (all controlled by the current illegitimate administration) have no armed contingent to enforce their rulings. Therefore, it is up to us to do three important things:

      1). Ignore the unconstitutional laws and regulations they continue to enforce regardless of SCOTUS rulings, or pass to try and circumvent court rulings, rendering them NULL & VOID. I have been a "paper felon" since 1994. Once you have the first one, the rest are easy. Keep your mouth shut and stay under the radar.

      2). Understand that when they come for you, your life is over. Be armed and prepared and committed to shoot them in the fucking face when they come.

      3). If called for jury duty in such a case, practice jury nullification. Lie during the "voir dire" to get on the case and during deliberations cause a hung jury and mistrial.

      We have the power, we just need to exercise it.
