Wednesday, July 05, 2023

These people have lied to us so much, why would this surprise me?

In April 2020, Hershel Smith wrote The Truth About Hydroxychloroquine.

He said, “This is a conclusion statement by a NIH study on Coronavirus (Covid-19 is SARs, Bat-SARs + some proteins that mimic HIV). This study, entitled ‘Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread,’ was completed and published on August 22, 2005, a study of which Dr. Fauci is certainly aware.

“The truth about this effective and safe medication is far more sinister. For political reasons, the administrative state is opposing the very prophylaxis they recommended in 2005 for this disease.

“The same bureaucracy is still selling the snake oil that this virus is zoonotic. The two videos below show, based on both genetic analysis and paper trail, this virus has an extremely low probability of being zoonotic. This virus has been studied at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, in Canada, Harvard, and at the Wuhan institute. Actual biological material was stolen from the study in Canada, and the Obama administration actually stopped the funding for the study (apparently too late) when they saw the supercharging of the SARs virus that the researchers were pursuing — with the same visiting collaborating Chinese researcher in all instances.”

And, oh yes, there's more.


  1. I've said all along that covid is a crime against humanity and those responsible need to meet their end on gallows set up on the national mall with their executions broadcast around the world as a warning to the future.

  2. They were willing to kill people, millions of people, to enrich themselves and to get rid of Trump. Anything he said worked, all of a sudden was poison. I agree with SteveP--it's the only way to bring them to heal.
