Thursday, July 06, 2023

The short version: "How dare you tell us we can't partner with the .gov to censor speech!"

Longer part:
“Mr. Jaffer added that the government has to balance between calling out false speech without stepping into informal coercion that veers toward censorship,” the NY Times reported. “Unfortunately Judge Doughty’s order doesn’t reflect a serious effort to reconcile the competing principles,” Jaffer told the newspaper.

“Some of the facts Judge Doughty describes in this opinion raise serious constitutional questions, but his order would insulate social media cos from criticism, not just coercion,” Jaffer tweeted from his personal account. “He should narrow the order, or the appeals court should do it for him.”

With, of course, the Beings of Superior Reasoning like himself deciding what's false, or 'misinformation'.


  1. This isn't even close.
    This is a 100% 1st amendment violation by the federal government.

  2. Sailorcurt11:45 AM

    I'm curious as to which article or amendment of the Constitution empowers the federal government to "call out false speech"?

    I can easily find the part where it says that the government shall "make no law...abridging the freedom of speech..."

    Doesn't say anything about the speech having to be vetted or approved by anyone...or even true for that matter.

    I suppose they can argue that since there isn't any law authorizing them to do what they did, they technically didn't violate the Constitution, but I'm pretty sure taking action outside the law that violates the text of the Constitution is covered as well.

    1. Anonymous7:43 PM

      Now…if we could somehow get them to *care* about over stepping their authority

  3. Jaffer is an idiot if he can't see the difference between the government calling out false speech (or what it thinks is false speech) and stopping others from speaking what they think is true. If you want to say something is wrong, say it is wrong and go ahead and try to prove or convince everyone of that, but don't try and stop someone else from saying what they believe and giving evidence that you are wrong.

  4. Sailorcurt hit the nail on the head - the government has no business calling out anything or countering anything...that is the point. There is no balance of competing priorities.
