Saturday, July 08, 2023

Judge tells the administration "Stop it. You are not allowed to censor

what people have to say, whether it's directly or working through a private company."  Which is right.

The clowns response:
“The Government faces irreparable harm with each day the injunction remains in effect,” contends a July 6 motion from the Biden administration in response to federal Judge Terry Doughty’s preliminary injunction in Missouri v. Biden. Government lawyers argued that it may “prevent the Government from engaging in a vast range of lawful and responsible conduct,” and therefore, a stay of the injunction “is in the public interest.”
So they consider censoring people, destroying their lives and jobs, and otherwise spitting on that Constitution they swore to uphold, 'lawful and responsible conduct' and 'in the public interest.'
Which, to them it is because "WE are the Public Interest" is how they see themselves: "We are standing in the way of misinformation and disinformation, which is anything that causes us problems in what we want to do."

I'm surprised they didn't suffer serious burns on their lower bodies as they took their oath of office.


  1. Anonymous6:50 AM

    The people from FBI/CIA/DHS/NIH...are already in place at these fine liberal institutions. They either know already what their owners back at gov central want. If necessary, the anti defamation league and the southern poverty law and lawfare groups will convey instructions.

    The white* house can just send the instructions to these front groups and it will take 15 years to percolate through the system again.
    * According to the AP style guidelines Black is capitalized but not white.

  2. FFS !!!!!!!!!!!!
    "misinformantion and disinformation" is FREE SPEECH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I actually hope this get to Clarence Thomas......

  3. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Who(m) will be arresting the Govt employee’s…

    A Tiger doesn’t change his spots…
    A Pedophile Never Stops…

    Only the way he hunts.
