Thursday, October 24, 2019

Texas, what the hell has happened to you?

Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said that two government departments are investigating after a jury returned a verdict against Jeffrey Younger, who was petitioning for full custody of his son, in part to avoid his ex-wife’s plan to infuse him with puberty-blocking hormones.
This is bloody horrible.  And the bitch behind this...


Beans said...

It's Dallas. Which is going full Austin which is going full SoCaliforutopia.


And the libtards in Austin, Dallas and Houston are working on liberalizing the Great State of Texas.

Bob said...

Texas is dividing rural/urban just as every other US state is. Urban areas/cities dominated by leftists, small towns/rural areas dominated by conservatives.

Andy said...

Sure seems like quite a number of people oppose the mother. Want to make a bet that she wins anyway? If I were in the father's shoes, mom would be dead and I would be in prison. Yes, I would sacrifice for my kids.

Ace Rimmer said...

I'd do the same, Andy. Might even be a dead judge as well.