Sunday, February 19, 2012

Well, that will put the warmenists panties in a bunch

Had PBS on for background noise, a Nova episode about exploring blue holes in the Bahamas. Which led into climate change; NATURAL climate change.

Short version: dust found in a layer traced to the Sahara; the dust layers corresponded to layers in a stalagmite indicating big, fast-occurring warming, in some cases big temperature and sea-level rises in as little as 50 years. And theorizing that the droughts in Africa over the last few decades, and the dust storms, could be indication of a warming cycle about to kick off.

So my brain started spinning with some questions and thoughts:
I wonder how the past warming periods they're seeing signs of correspond to sunspot activity?
Wonder if any way to determine how long the droughts preceded the beginning of the warming period, if the theory is correct?
And, the big one,
If the theory is correct, it would be further proof that the warming of the recent past was primarily, if not completely, natural cycle, thereby shoving a stake in the heart of AGW.

Interesting thoughts


Roger said...

I have long been of the opinion that "global warming" is the biggest hoax ever perpetrated upon the world. Billions of dollars wasted & no real evidence of any warming, save in the minds of zealots trying to force others into believing and acting upon the hoax.

George Groot said...

You can shove all the stakes you want into the heart of AGW, won't do any good.

This monster isn't a vampire rooted in myth and legend, it is Frankenstein's Monster, rooted in science fiction and doomsday horror.

Marja said...

I used to be a geology and mineralogy major, some 20 years ago (dropped out before got the papers, long story). One of the problems I had with Global warming, when it started to get talked about, was the fact that nobody ever explained the earlier warmer periods satisfyingly.

Finland used to have oak forest in the south. Now the nearest similar forest grow in the middle of Sweden. It's just too cold for oaks to grow like that here now, all you can get are single trees here and there, and small patches which are mostly remnants of the earlier forests. Cut them down, and hardier trees will grow in their stead unless humans interfere by planting oaks and then removing all the other trees trying to grow there during the first decade or two. So we are going back to where those oak forests can grow without help again, maybe, and for some reason that's suddenly a huge catastrophe?