Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Turned out too windy, but it was still some time at the range

and that's always good.  The primary thing that got done today was trying the 7.62x39 subsonics at 50 yards, which gave surprising results.

DISCLAIMER: These loads were developed after reading, talking and thinking hard about it because I could find no published data for this bullet/cartridge; they seem safe in my firearm, but might not work well, or safely, in another, so if you try these it's on your own head.

With that done, the first group was 11.7 grains A5744, both loads using the Hornady 255-grain Sub-X bullet in Fiocchi cases with CCI Small Rifle Magnum primers.  Amazingly, when I'd about given up on other things and decided to try these the wind dropped a fair bit, still some gusts but I was able to time those fairly well.*  When ran these over a Chrony a while back they averaged 977fps:

That's not bad at all.  

Second with 11.9 grains of the same powder, average 1030fps:

Especially under the conditions, I'm very happy with those.  Primers looked just like normal fired primers; I am aware that looking for flattening isn't exactly a gold standard, it's possible to wind up with pretty high pressure before some start to show that, but it's what I've got to go by right now.

What really surprised me was that they're about 1.5" low at 25 yards so being about 1/2" below point of aim at 50 was a pleasant surprise.  Also, for some reason the indoors groups were about 1 to 1.5" right, but nicely centered here, and I wonder if the wind helped?

So I'm tired from being in that wind for several hours, but happy with the results here(the other stuff I won't talk about).

*And yes, about ten minutes after I finished this and decided to try a different firearm again, it came back up.

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