Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Seems the early 'Biden's interview with the investigator was awful'

was understatement.
Former special counsel Robert Hur revealed in Capitol Hill testimony that Biden 'willfully' retained classified materials as a private citizen and gave them to Mark Zwonitzer - the ghost writer of his $8 million book - who later tried to destroy them.

Hur arrived on Capitol Hill to offer insight into his devastating classified documents report that painted Biden as 'elderly' and 'forgetful' and with 'diminished faculties,' but did not recommend charges for the president.

He pushed back on Democrats who claimed his report cleared Biden of any wrongdoing, saying it 'did not exonerate' the president.

'We identified evidence that the President willfully retained classified materials after the end of his vice presidency, when he was a private citizen,' Hur said during the high-stakes hearing.

Put bluntly, you or I, or some military type or bureaucrat who handled classified documents this way would've been in a cell a long time ago.  Not to mention that ghost writer who should be looking at a long time in prison.

But, being Biden, "He's too old and confused to charge."


  1. So if I rob a bank, and later get dementia, all is forgiven?

  2. Anonymous7:46 PM

    There is only one law of the land. some folks are uncivil and immoral enough that it is unapplicable.
