Tuesday, March 12, 2024

That would definitely count as a bad day Adding some info

I'd like to know the 'why', I really would.

Added: when he tips is up looks like the barrel fractured just in front of the handguard.  Lots of discussion at Wirecutter's place where I found it, centers around barrel blockage and it gave there or the barrel nut wasn't properly secured.


  1. Anonymous6:13 AM

    why? barrel nuts matter

  2. Anonymous7:40 AM

    If it was due to a barrel obstruction, it could have been much worse had the barrel not blown off.

  3. Anonymous10:36 AM

    I've built these platforms like Lego. The barrel nut had nothing to do with that. I am not sure how a barrel obstruction could cause that without more visible damage. No threads or flash suppressor on the end of the barrel, I'd venture some type of threaded on device attached right near the end of the hand guard. Kind of like what happens when you get a baffle strike on a silencer. BTW, if the barrel nut went, the handguard would have gone, too. Eod1sg Ret

  4. Bad day. But it didn't detonate so it could have been worse.

  5. Anonymous9:15 AM

    It looks like the barrel separated at or near the gas block. If it was farther back, there would be daylight through the handguard.
    John in Indy
