Monday, March 11, 2024

Said it before, daylight savings time is the worst idea

Ben Franklin ever had, and the idiots who started it in this country should be dug up and hanged.  Or just find all of them and piss on their graves.


  1. Anonymous6:27 AM

    Implementation happened during the horrible Progressive Era just like the Income tax, Prohibition, etc.

  2. People who can't handle a one hour shift of time are pussies. DST is quite simply NO BIG DEAL. And anyone with the time and energy to bitch about it needs to STFU and get a job. An actual productive job. Moving the clock forward one hour is NOTHING. People HAPPILY climb on a jet and travel across six time zones without saying a word. Why? Because it was THEIR choice. Compared to jet lag DST is nothing. We have WAY too many problems, all of them far more serious than DST facing us.

  3. It is a pain, and it causes a lot of people problems for days after,sometimes longer. If it doesn't trouble you, that's great.

  4. Ben Franklin considered dst a joke. His invention of it was as a joke to think that you could save time by changing your clock!!
