Wednesday, March 13, 2024

I fear West Point has been taken over by the assholes from the sound of it.

... At a meeting of the West Point Board of Visitors on March 7, the Superintendent of the United States Military Academy at West Point, LTG Steve Gilland, announced a planned change to the stated mission of the United States Military Academy at West Point by eliminating the words “Duty,” “Honor” and “Country” from its official mission statement.
The gentleman who wrote the piece is giving the creators of the the benefit of the doubt; after all the crap that's come out of the people in charge the last years, I can't.  It's either "I don't really understand why changing this would upset anyone" or "Screw those people, THIS is the New Way."


  1. The leftists are in complete control of everything. And they intend to use that power to change or destroy EVERYTHING. They will never give up,quit or go away. The only response to their ongoing assault on freedom and America that will work is violence. They listen to and respect nothing else. Unless stopped by violent force they WILL NOT STOP.

  2. Anonymous11:32 AM

    The term "United States" is also nowhere to be found.

  3. This cant be good, I had an uncle who graduated from West Point, I know he's rolling over in his grave right about now.

  4. Anonymous12:32 PM

    As a West Point graduate (and, incidentally, a classmate of LTG Steve Gilland) I am continually disgusted at the direction the Academy has taken.

    I blame Obama, who started the process rolling by filtering out any potential Flag officers in all branches by quietly retiring those who did put Duty, Honor and Country first, and would not agree to the laundry list of PC priorities. DEI, Trannies, etc. "insert Woke ideology here." (including those who refused to agree to fire on private citizens in the case of domestic disputes)

    But the further blame lies with those officers, LTG Gilland included, who put career over conscience and sold out their service and their country to the Left wing idealogues who are running our country. They are COWARDS and TRAITORS. Just like the Doctors/Nurses who turned a blind eye to all the BS therepies the WEF proscribed for Covid.

    Unfortunately, in our class forums and elsewhere, as you all know full well, we can not have an honest discussion without being labeled "racists" "bigots" or worse.

    All I know is I've cut off contact with many people I thought were friends, but were quick to insult and accuse when they did not recieve confirmation of their own prejudices.

    Prepare. Worse is coming.
    - Chi. (USMA 1990)
