Wednesday, March 13, 2024

I'd guess mainly Florida, but also some other Atlantic coast states better get ready

Border agents in Miami have been told to prepare for a wave of migration from Haiti following the takeover of the country by bloodthirsty gangs, The Post has learned.

An internal agency email leaked to The Post pointed out it is unlikely Haitians who take to the sea and enter Florida illegally will be repatriated back to their home country, given its instability.

The message also warned that one vessel of migrants landing would overwhelm agency capabilities in the area.

“One landing will cripple the station and our ability to respond to other traffic,” the email to agents read.

And if you think A: They'll all be innocents, including parents and kids, and B: This administration will actually try to control it and sort out the bad guys, you're an idiot.  Think of a lot of gang members used to using machetes on people, with the occasional cannibalism, loose here.  If you live in the region  you might consider some more ammo if you can afford it.


  1. Anonymous3:55 AM

    Oh yeah, fine upstanding citizens all.

  2. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Can't endanger us if they can't land, just sayin'
