Thursday, February 01, 2024

Our unbiased media

Headline on Yahoo 'News': 'Autocracy expert names the potential Trump running mate who 'scares' him'.

Oh, yeah, no bias in that.  And it was the lead story when I signed in.  

We're going to see lots more 'experts' in something, and psychiatrists & psychologists, giving us medical reports on someone they've never met, and we'll be told- once again- 'This proves this Republican is as bad as Hitler!'

Isn't it joyous?


  1. "Yahoo News" is news for idiots.
    The only good thing about "Yahoo News" was years ago we could actually comment on the posted articles and the toasting was magnificent.

  2. i have given up trying to tell anyone that psychiatrists & psychologists are all frauds. see karl popper for the first person to prove this

  3. Our media is owned & operated by the same corporations/cabal that pull the strings from behind the curtain.

    1. Anonymous8:17 PM

      I thought the media was the curtain.
