Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Few days ago read a serious piece of TDS-

including "How much better would it be if right-wing conspiracy theories had not cost Hillary the election?"
(no, I'm not looking for the damn thing, it's not worth it)
If I'd thought it worth commenting I'd have said "No 'conspiracy theory' cost Clinton the election, SHE did.  In particular with that 'basket of deplorables' crap.  Because nothing can move people to your side like telling half the country 'You're a racist, ignorant bastard', right?"

What brought that to mind was this "AAAAH!  The right-wingers are actually voting and we can't stop them!" from a Brit source.  Keep in mind that being to the right of Stalin or our Sen. Sanders will get you listed as right-wing.  Or, even if you're a leftist, saying "We should have a say who comes across our border to stay" will condemn you.
'There is a strong possibility of pro-Russia party representation in the upcoming legislature,' the ECFR said, pointing notably to three seats that could go to Bulgarian MEPs sympathetic to the Kremlin.

Other resulting policy upheaval could be a weakening of the enforcement of rule of law in Europe and of the bloc's actions to battle climate change, and a harder anti-immigration stance, said the report's co-authors Simon Hix and Kevin Cunningham.

"The Russia Lovers are coming!  DOOM!"  Etc.
Oh yes, lots of scare wording: 'possibility of pro-Russia Party representation'; 'weakening of the enforcement of rule of law'; 'We won't stop climate change!', and so forth.  Because 'They might not obey the diktats of the EU' is the same as 'no rule of law!', and so on.  Tired of this crap yet?

I'll let you decide what they think of a possible Trump(or anyone except Biden) win over here.

What they really worry about:
'The risk of an ungovernable Europe is pretty real,' Stéphane Séjourné, the new French foreign minister, who leads the centrist Renew Europe group of MEPs, said this month.
Same old EU thing: "If the peasants won't obey Our commands, whatever will we do?"


  1. Cankles The Killer Clinton lost the election because the left bought into their own propaganda and polling. They believed the polls which claimed Trump had less than a 5% chance of winning. So they did NOT crank up their fraud machinery to steal the election because they thought she would win by a landslide. By the time it became apparent that she would lose it was too late to start cheating. Trump won an HONEST election, the last one we will ever see. The left vowed they would NEVER make that mistake again. So from now on the cheating machinery will be cranked up to max for every election....forever. TINVOWOOT

  2. Unless Texas buys the judge this lawsuit was doomed before the ink was dry. The left OWNS the vast majority of judges.
