Thursday, February 01, 2024

I lost a link when my last pc died, and I still can't find it (updated)

It was a very interesting piece on modifications made very late in the black powder age specifically to make it a more efficient propellant for artillery.  Had a lot of information on using different materials to make the charcoal, and specifically making the granules in certain shapes for better burning.

I'm still occasionally trying to find it with no luck.  If I ever do I'll damn well post it right away.

Update: found this small bit on the subject.  Still looking for the original.


  1. RHT4477:27 AM

    Please do. I have a copy of the book "Foxfire 5". In the discussion of how to make your own black powder, Willow is listed as producing some of the best, cleanest burning charcoal. Also described is how to make your own KNO3 using chicken stuff and stove ashes.

    I seem to recall reading long ago that one of the old tests for the quality of black powder was to ignite a small amount (how much?) on a sheet of copper (how thick?) and then observe the coloration caused by the heat. There was no description of how the coloration should look.

    Not that I have any particular desire to make my own powder, although I did shoot quite a bit in my younger days. I just find the topic fascinating.

  2. Could it have been this dormant blog? he had a lot of posts on powder manufacturing and quality


    This it?

  4. GuardDuck, a little of the same information but not the one I'd lost.

  5. Joe, that's not it, but it's interesting, thanks for the link
