Tuesday, January 02, 2024

Even a flatworm can turn away from pain, and Harvard demonstrates even their board can learn

to do the same.  The minority female president who also happened to be against free speech and for hating Jews, and pro-plagiarism is out.  And you know she didn't go without a lot of pressure, and probably promises of some kind of payoff if she doesn't make more trouble about it.

Now there should be a law on the order of "You have this multi-billion endowment, if you're not going to use it to pay tuition and operating costs and such, you should be paying taxes on it."


  1. Terrytheterrible1:58 PM

    As simple as I am I like your idea there Fh.

  2. I suspect they have too much money for a good law like you suggested to ever get close to being real.

  3. Anonymous4:46 PM

    She’s disposable.
    The money isn’t and neither is the agenda.

    Mean nothing imo.

  4. Anonymous11:04 PM

    Having read the article, and others at the Crimsom on the subject, it sounds like the Harvard Corp has learned as much as a flatworm can. Avoid the pain, but nothing more.

    Given that Gay is black, they're probably afraid of the BLM terrorist burning down the school or the board members' houses.
