Tuesday, January 02, 2024

Have two family members with health stuff going on,

which is not conducive to good sleep.  Which doesn't help.  Which has meant a lot of bloggage when home because I get too tired to do much, and that chair calls to me to sit down.  And since I'm sitting...

So, lots of stuff posted lately.  And now, something about the ongoing slavery the left seems to have no interest in talking about.
One little known but highly detailed report of an Arab Muslim pogrom against Black tribesmen and Christians in Africa during that period shows how eerily similar the anti-Black African jihad raids are to Hamas’ pogrom against Jews. According to the report, just after dawn on March 28, 1987, Arabs from the Rizeigat tribe set upon their Black neighbors in the town of El-Daein, storming their village with axes, gasoline, guns, knives, spears, sticks, and swords, looking to murder people who sought whatever shelter they could. The night before, the raiders had attacked Black members of the Dinka tribe at the local church. Many of the hunted took refuge near the local police station.
Since Arabs first invaded Africa in the seventh century, murderous raids targeting innocent civilians have been a common feature of the spread of Islam in Africa. Today, in Mauritania, Black Mauritanians whose ancestors were taken into captivity centuries ago and whose status as chattel has been passed down through the generations, live in bondage, serving as slaves to their Arab Berber masters. Even though indigenous Africans in Mauritania were converted to Islam after the Arab conquest, race has trumped religion, and the Arab Berber rulers have treated the Black Mauritanians as they would infidels.

Modern-day Mauritania is essentially a racist caste system ruled by the 30% Arab Berber minority, called beydanes (“whites”). The Arab-controlled government has “banned” slavery five times since independence from France—in 1961, 1980, 1981, 2007, and 2015—yet today, absurdly, denies that it exists. According to the Global Slavery Index, approximately 149,000 Black Mauritanians still live there as slaves. These slaves remain in chains. They’re bred and are known to have been horrifically tortured in ways that rival and may even surpass Hamas’ torments. Yet these Black Muslim slaves who are passed down like the family furniture from the masters to their sons have no serious champions in the West.

Gee, 'liberals' and leftists showing little to no interest in ongoing slavery by Arabs, who could have imagined?


  1. Terrytheterrible6:20 PM

    Gee, the more that is written the more one sees what liberals represent. Hope all goes well with family members.

  2. Slavery has always existed. An it still does. It's only been in the past 150 odd years that even the idea slavery was immoral and evil existed. And odds are extremely good that sometime in the future, the not too distant future, slavery will once again be an accepted fact for most of the world...if not all of it. It may bec called something else but it will still be slavery.

  3. The period of anti-slavery will soon be past us. As they destroy the fossil fuel industries and deprive man of internal combustion engines, slavery will return with a vengeance. Slavery disappeared because man developed alternative energy sources, primarily oil, coal, and gas. A single man with modern farming equipment could feed hundreds of times more people than he could with human slave labor, and with a fraction of the effort.

    in 1850, the world population is estimated to have been 1.2 billion. We are now at 8.045 billion. Think how many more slaves will be needed to grow and harvest and transport food for that many people?

  4. Anonymous11:42 PM

    “Gee, 'liberals' and leftists showing little to no interest in ongoing slavery by Arabs,”
    Well that’s obviously because all slaves worldwide were set free after the Emancipation Proclamation by none other than Abe hisself. It’s all written in “The New History” of our land ya godless heathen!

    NO OTHER COUNTRIES HAD SLAVERY! Just the bad, misguided and evil US of A.
    Rev. Al could school you on this as well as AOC, R.Talib and I’ll marry my brother Omar.
    USA = Evil! Rest of the World = Unicorn sparkle farts and Rainbows.

  5. On the family thing, I feel ya. My son had a bad heart attack nine years ago. He's only had ~35% of a working heart since. We caught him holding onto his chest and made him go get it checked. Yesterday he found out he has an increase in the enzymes that indicate his heart is failing. Last night was not a restful sleep for his mom or me.

  6. Well, hell, Clay, that sucks on a monumental level

  7. Anonymous10:46 PM

    Clay, once your son is past the immediate danger level there is a treatment for a damaged heart muscle.
    My older brother did it. I will contact him and find out what it’s called.
    I will reply via this post!
    Best wishes for you and your family

  8. I'll bookmark this and check back later. Thanks in advance!

  9. Anonymous1:31 PM

    @Clay, it’s called Enhanced External Counter Pulsation.
    Obviously I don’t know if your son is a candidate or not for it but do a search and ask the doc. Best of luck!

  10. To talk about slavery in Mauritania, they would have to admit that it wasn't a unique American evil, and that the worst "white supremacists" wouldn't even count as white here.

  11. Thanks for the EECP suggestion!
