Tuesday, January 02, 2024

Seems some Democrats will recognize and speak to the illegal alien problems,

now maybe they can get some of the others to take notice.
While speaking to New York ABC affiliate WABC on Monday, Edison, New Jersey Mayor Sam Joshi (D) stated that he turned a bus full of migrants sent to the city back because local police “did not know if any of those 40 individuals were carrying weapons, they couldn’t be identified.” And this is “a major security risk. It’s a health risk. And we’re just not going to tolerate that.” Joshi, who plans to send migrants back to the border, also stated that he doesn’t want to pawn problems off on other mayors.
Bold mine.  
This is what a lot of people have been pointing out for how many years?  And you generally have the Evil Party members calling you a racist for saying it.


  1. Anonymous3:18 AM

    The mayor could say the same thing for almost any tour bus, but he wouldn't. And when he says send them back to the border,he means Texas - so s typically out of sight out of mind Democrat solution. The ACLU should be all over these sanctuary mayors denying access to their sanctuaries.

    1. Anonymous11:47 PM

      You misspelled “The ACLU should be disbanded and a forgotten blight on society.””

  2. Just exactly what did they Expect? Sanctuary Cities had an implied Bar? You show up here with identification and your pedigree showing us you're able to safely assimilate or we turn you away? I hope they file a class action suit for false advertising.
