Friday, January 12, 2024

Canada again demonstrates just how far down the toilet they are

In Quebec, the police are now warning citizens not to post their doorbell videos of package thieves because they are, in the words of the spokesmen, “presumed innocent.”

Notably, these are scenes captured in public and posted by homeowners who had packages stolen from their doorsteps.

For critics, it is a continuation of misplaced priorities and policies on crime including the statement of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau that “you can’t use a gun for self-protection in Canada. It’s not a right that you have..”

"Rights?  We(royal We there) have not granted you that right.  And interfering with that poor citizen stealing from you?  You have proof other than your (we may decide) illegal video?"

Contrast with Texas:
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott took control of a public park in a border city plagued by illegal immigration without warning on Wednesday, its mayor alleged Thursday.

Eagle Pass Mayor Rolando Salinas said the state seized Shelby Park, erecting fences to keep out citizens — and even federal border agents — without any notice as part of Abbott’s emergency declaration to combat the migrant crisis.

Abbott has his problems, doesn't change he's actually stood up to the feds at times to try and see that the job is done.  Whereas most of Canuckistan has cops patterning themselves after the Stasi and a bunch of politicians who admire Stalin and Castro.

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