Thursday, January 11, 2024

It's amazing all the things Fauci just can't recall when he's facing actual penalties

for lying under oath.
“After two days of testimony and 14 hours of questioning, many things became evident,” including how the six-foot social-distancing recommendation came to be, the House Coronavirus Select Subcommittee chairman said in a statement Wednesday morning. “The social distancing recommendations forced on Americans ‘sort of just appeared’ and were likely not based on scientific data.”
During the last seven hours of the transcribed interview on Tuesday, Fauci testified that the lab-leak hypothesis, which he tried to disprove with the March 2020 “Proximal Origin” scientific paper, was not a conspiracy theory after all. While conceding the possibility that the coronavirus originated from the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China, he did appear to play semantics with the definition of a “lab leak” to defend the biased conclusions of Nature Medicine’s “Proximal Origin” publication.

And the one for which he really deserves a time at a whipping post:
The retired public health official also claimed that the country’s Covid vaccine mandates could inadvertently increase vaccine hesitancy in the future, a consequence he had not brought up in the past. In fact, he spoke out in support of strict vaccine mandates at the time, saying “when you make it difficult for people in their lives, they lose their ideological bullshit, and they get vaccinated.”
That vaccine hesitancy problem alone is enough to sink the bastard; causing parents to not get the standard vaccines for things like mumps and measles because this bullshit made them untrusting is horrible.


  1. Anonymous6:14 PM

    Waterboard him...he'll remember.

  2. Fauci is responsible for the deaths of millions of people. He should pay for that.

  3. Coercion is defined as "when you make it difficult for people" in order to force compliance. The Nuremberg code states that medical procedures can only be given with the informed consent of the patient without coercion. Time for Nuremberg II. Start with Fauci and that communist Ghebreyesus at WHO.

    The 6 foot rule was pulled out of someone's a&&.
