Friday, January 12, 2024

Usually 'open carrying' doesn't mean 'Walking out of the office

with a gun in your hand."  Considering the level of corruption coming out about these people, not surprising.

What do you want to bet that Wade has a history of wanting to ban/restrict gun ownership?


  1. Peaowed7:08 AM

    Wouldn't his method of carrying be considered "brandishing" - which in most jurisdictions is illegal? On second thought, never mind. His skin color and political orientation makes it ok.

  2. He was making a statement to journalists wanting to question him. "Don't do it. I mean it."

  3. Isn't that brandishing? Even with open carry permit? But it's pretty stupid anyway.

  4. Anonymous5:04 AM

    I searched and could not find "brandishing" in the GA code; closest is pointing a firearm.
    He's not pointing the pistol, and the way he's holding it is deliberate....he knows the law and he's making a statement.
    But that's also good intel...
