Thursday, October 12, 2023

Amazing how fast a lot of the "I'm a proud member of the Resistance!" asshats

back off then their 'Get rid of the Jews!' chic behavior turns out to have a price.

Now add this from the other day.
The pressure has apparently gotten to some of the students and who groups who, starting yesterday were trying to disassociate themselves from the letter. The Harvard Undergraduate Nepali Student Association said yesterday that it regretted co-signing the statement and announced it would be retracting the group’s signature from the statement.
Numerous groups/people are playing "I didn't read this before I signed on!", which is pretty stupid. Especially for the law students.  Apparently the idea that "I should find out what I'm endorsing before I sign on" has never occurred, and never been taught.  "I mean, it's popular, so what could go wrong?"

There's also this take on it:
I can’t count how many times I was lectured about microaggressions at Harvard. Those same people are now on their timelines glorifying Hamas for deadly, inhumane, terroristic aggression. The double standard is baffling.
Yep,  This is why Larry Correia once said that 'The moral compass of the left is a windsock.'


  1. Anonymous6:58 AM

    what the #%$^&%$$ do the Nepalese have in common with #%^&&%$$ hamas?

  2. NONE of these douchetards regret making or signing their anti semitic statements.
    What they are regretting is the potential consequences for doing so.

  3. Wondered about that. All I can figure is "We're anti-British because 1800's, so let's support these assholes!"
