Thursday, October 12, 2023

Meanwhile, in (formerly Great)Britain,

Isn't it just wonderful what all the multi-culti stuff has done for their society?


  1. Was GB a "safe haven" when Asian gangs were grooming and raping underage British girls?

  2. Anonymous6:38 PM

    1) Where can the Jews in Britain run to when the government betrays them?
    2) Y'all do realize that the author of the posting, J.K. Rowling, has already been "othered" over not submitting to the latest gender PC madness. Defending the rights of Jews in Britain will probably make it necessary for her to have a really good security detail.

    Subotai Bahadur

  3. Considering the death threats to self & family she's been dealing with for years, primarily from the 'everything is trans' people, I'd imagine hers is pretty good.

  4. I'm half English/Irish and a lapsed Catholic, was lucky enough to be born in England in '55 and lived in working class rural communities all of my childhood, was lucky enough to get into a really old fashioned grammar school, my parents never had much money but blessed with love, they were truly honourable decent folk and i still miss them every day.

    Because of my upbringing and schooldays and the people i met and lived with i had a view of good old England that sustained me up until 3 years ago, a place where the events of the 1930s in central europe where too many of the populations sided with nazis and helped to persecute leading to the eventual murder of millions of Jews and others.
    I really believed that could never have happened in good old Blighty, i actually thought we were made of better stuff than that.

    Well haven't i been a blind bloody fool, the covid scam saw their type crawl out of the woodwork, those who would point out the supposed enemy of the state of the moment were here all along just itching to be who they they truly are.
    I'm awake now.

    I don't get this hatred of the Jews, you can't expect logic or compassion from extremist and their ilk but what the hell are supposed native British students and other lefties doing going along with the hatred for Jews and Israel.

    Are they simply stupid or are they appeasing the crocodile in the hope he'll eat them last.
    Fools either way, if they read any history they would know what happens to useful idiots as soon as they are of no further use.
