Wednesday, October 11, 2023

I'd forgotten about this date

The Battle of Tours...was fought on 10 October 732, and was an important battle during the Umayyad invasion of Gaul. It resulted in the victory for the Frankish and Aquitanian forces,[8][9] led by Charles Martel, over the invading Muslim forces of the Umayyad Caliphate, led by Abd al-Rahman al-Ghafiqi, governor of al-Andalus.
Considering how important dates like this are to the muslim radicals, makes me wonder if it was a reason for the date they chose for their current garbage?


  1. I doubt the savages behind this know enough about history to be aware of this.
    But the Yom Kippur war is recent enough that most muzzies know about it.

  2. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Charley the Hammer is a hero of the West and his opponents still operate at the same level and with the same end in mind.

  3. Sorry, Dan, but the muzzies remember every defeat, including Tours, Lepanto, the Fall of Jerusalem in the First Crusade, Vlad Tepes' campaigns and The Siege of Vienna (and subsequent relief by the Winged Hussars of Poland.)

    Every loss, they remember.

    It is the way of the Dar-al-Harb (The Lands of War.) And the way of the Dar-al-Islam (The Lands of Islam - any and all lands that muzzies have raised a mosque on, no matter if it doesn't belong to them anymore.)

  4. I've been wondering for a few years if the 'disaffected North Africans' would finally do something bad enough that a lot of French would remember who Charles was, and why he was named the Hammer.

    It happens, it's going to get real sporty
