Tuesday, August 22, 2023

ANYTHING that makes owning firearms look bad, they'll push,

no matter how much bullshit is involved.
Gun-related deaths among children in the U.S. reached a distressing peak in 2021, claiming 4,752 young lives and surpassing the record total seen during the first year of the pandemic, a new analysis of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data found.

The alarming statistic clearly indicated that America’s gun violence epidemic has gotten worse, experts say.

Uh huh. Now we have
More than 80% of the gun deaths were among males 19 and younger. Black male children were more likely to die from homicide. White males 19 and younger were more likely to kill themselves with guns.
First, I wonder how high they'll go to count teenagers as 'children'? And how many of those deaths are among or because of gangbangers?

..."The most likely reason that your child will die in this country is at the hands of a firearm. That’s not acceptable.”
Please, someone ask him how 'at the hands of a firearm' works.  And point out that the 'most likely reason' crap has been disproved.

Black children continue to be disproportionately affected. Gee, I wonder why? Could that 'defund the police, we don't want them in these neighborhoods' stuff mayhap have anything to do with it"

And on, and on.  Same kind of stuff they've been pushing for years.  Including this:
“Although we can say this is an issue that might not affect everybody, it really does,” he said. “If you look at the spikes in gun injuries, it’s hitting all communities. It doesn’t matter where you live.”
Bullshit.  If it doesn't matter where you live, there wouldn't be those disproportionate deaths in black communities.  And there wouldn't be so much upset from the idiot activists about the idea of getting more cops in the most troubled places and letting them ACTUALLY DO THE JOB, and prosecutors ACTUALLY PUTTING VIOLENT CRIMINALS IN JAIL.


  1. Anonymous8:54 PM

    It turns out that 41.6% increase is not year over year. Its not even of the 2020-2023 period. Nor of 2017, 2018, 2019 to today.

    The disparity is measured from 2004. That year was a record low a cording to diverse sources. However, granted there was an uptick beginning 2020. Guess what else, something very dramatic and on a national scale, began in 2020? If you said lockdowns go to the head of the class.

    Yet the various studies hardly mention that. Indeed, the study linked by our blog host nor that which I herein link mention the deleterious effects of the lockdowns.
    Also, the study originally mentioned derives frrom NYC and Chicago, then is extrapolated - using previous studies of an ideological bent (meaning subjective) to compile the statistics.

    The title of the study is, Trends and Disparities in Firearm Deaths among Children. (August 2023, published in the journal, Pediatrics.)

    O, how I cry for the days when we could count upon the medical community for objective, testable, truth.

  2. Anonymous8:57 PM

    Also, the study was paid through a $1.4 million grant from NIH.
    As for me, I learned nigh twenty years ago to take with a grain of salt anything about firearms coming from NIH. Codreia and Lott support that position.

  3. Anonymous9:37 PM

    I wish I could view my comments in real time. I would then be able to see which link I forgot to link.
    (I understand, I am anonymous.)
    Its a link which ties it all together in my mind.

    Anyway, this doctor, though he be a trauma surgeon, though I do say without which I would not be alive today, is decidedly leftist and readily apparent that he obfuscates and cherrypicks facts according to his personal ideology, and probably according to who draws his paycheck.

  4. I'm suggesting that anyone who is allowed to make the decision to "transition" to another gender no longer be counted as "children" for any other purpose. Same goes for anyone under the age of 18 who is legally allowed to be sexually mutilated for transitioning purposes.

    That ought to drop the age range down to about 0-4 years old in most blue states. Only in red states with anti-transition surgery laws will children be 0-18 years old.

  5. Those “children” are, largely teenagers between 14-19. Among actual children younger than that, firearms are not a significant cause of death.


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