Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Be it known that at 100f, and 40% and up humidity,

that having shade, a breeze, and a fan, does not prevent you getting too damn hot.

This was not a good day for casting bullets.


  1. It only hit 99 up here but humidity was above 50% and no breeze. Shade helped, but any physical exertion made it hard to breathe. 101 and same humidity due for the next two days, heat index at 115+

  2. Anonymous9:41 PM

    Hi from arizona. Would you like some french cries?

    Remember, pain is weakness leaving the body.

  3. Anonymous9:43 PM

    Sounds great, just put the pan on the sidewalk and wait for the lead to melt.

  4. Anonymous9:44 PM

    Also, I spent all of July + ten days on the Carolina shore.
    The 'low' temps chilled me but the humidity revitalized me.

  5. Anonymous9:48 PM

    Try 98 degrees F and 98 percent humidity with a strong wind. You simply have no idea.

  6. Sometimes pain isn't weakness leaving, it's just something trying to kill you

  7. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Just calculated that heat index --> 109° with a high enough dew point that sweating doesn’t help.
    That high of a dew point F’n SUCKS.

    I live in AZ like anon @9:41.
    I was working outside in the 122-121° days in ‘90. It was brutal but at least sweating DID something!
    10 or so yrs ago, I was at a shoot in Green Bay in late June - 99° & 98% humidity. (heat index - 184°!)
    I never thought I would be glad to be back in Phx in early July.
    The glue that held the felt in place on my shotgun case failed!

  8. Back when I was forging a lot, temp in the 90s, in the shed with the forge running, if the humidity was low wasn't too bad as long as drank a lot of water.

    Same temp with high humidity, the shirt and shorts I was wearing would be saturated, and sweat actually dripping down my legs, and no matter how much I drank it didn't seem to help much.


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