Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Helluva doorstop

When you find out that doorstop really is a meteorite, and worth some serious cash.

Dishonest 'reporting': it's what CNN does.

Started with 'Let's ban guns'
That didn't work, so it became 'Let's ban handguns'
That became 'Let's ban assault weapons'
That became 'We just want common-sense gun safety laws(that won't let you own a gun)'
Gov. Hairgel now has 'Gun safety freedoms'.

Judge holds three of the antifa who attacked Andy Ngo have to cough up money.  They'll have a hell of a time getting them to actually do it, but they were held responsible.  For what that's worth.

It's always in the last place you look.

Yet not a one of them was used in a crime.
And I'm seeing a lot of fired cases being described as 'ammunition'.


  1. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Per a Scots friend years ago, reloading ammunition, or having the means to do so, without permits is illegal there.
    But then, reporters now are so ignorant and politicized that they have no idea what or how much they don't know, and should ask about.
    John in Indy

  2. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Since banning guns hasn't worked yet, let's try banning democrats and democracy within our republic. This could end the gun and immigration problems at once.


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