Monday, September 12, 2022

My question: with the offensive going so well, if Ukraine invades Russia,

to any extent, just how badly will Putin & Co. react?

I suspect badly, especially since everyone who opposes the war would blame Putin & Co. for bringing this on.


  1. If the Ukrainians continued into Russia ... tactical nukes?

  2. Not the effect of invasion of Russia but the effect it will have personally on Putin. If Putin expects he will end up like Ghaddafi in a ditch, then every option is acceptable. Even everything the world considers unacceptable, insane or evil.

  3. Anonymous7:37 PM

    I don't think that the Ukrainians are stupid enough to physically invade Russia. Right now, Putin in operating under a handicap in that he is not allowed to fully mobilize Russia. Thus his problems with numbers and quality of troops. It is too much to go into now.

    However, if the Rodina is invaded by a foreign army, all bets are off.

    Subotai Bahadur

  4. IN a war....just like a sports contest....the "home team" has a pretty significant advantage.
    Hitler and Napoleon both learned that lesson the hard way when it comes to "invading Russia".
    I doubt that Zelensky will do more than push the Russians out of Ukraine and then do his best to solidify his defenses.

  5. Mike-SMO10:54 PM

    So far, the Ukraine has limited intrusions into Russian territory to missile, and helicopter attacks and brief raids. A real invasion might trigger Muscovite crazy. Putting troops into Belogorad to trash rail lines would probably be "provocative". Blowing the same lines with a missile would probably be treated as "fortunes of war". It is all psychology. It ain't "rational".

  6. WTH would make anyone think Ukraine would even think of doing that?

    They want all of Ukraine back, sure, including the illegally-seized Crimean peninsula.

    Invade actual Russia??

    Not bloody likely.

  7. Anonymous9:05 AM

    By the weekend, Ukraine will have no power or water. They are not going to invade anyone

  8. Missiles need neither power nor water.

    The 50km range of HiMARS from Ukraine is 30 miles inside Russia. That's a lot of Russian power and water plants.

    Russia gives, Russia gets.
