Tuesday, September 13, 2022

As the subject of 'PC at any cost' came to mind,

this is a great example.
Sure enough, a few days later, Bev emailed me, saying that her board had decided that I was the wrong age, sex, and race to meet their diversity requirements, and that my anti-Islam stance was problematic.

The identity group bean-counting was obnoxious enough. But my criticism of Islam? Think of it: a self-styled gay activist, who according to Islamic teaching should be executed, was worried about offending Muslims. This was, moreover, a woman who’d experienced Amsterdam during that brief golden era when it was gay heaven — an era when, among other things, it was one of the few places on earth where gays could walk down the streets hand-in-hand without worrying about being pummeled to bits.

An era, that is, before Islam moved in and gradually changed everything.

Much like 'Queers for Palestine', who see supporting Palestinian terrorists as vital to being homosexual; never mind that the people they're supporting want every gay dead.

Friggin' amazing.

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