Monday, September 12, 2022

Gee, hurriedly-written and rushed-through virtue signaling laws tend to have downsides

Who could've imagined?
But there’s a problem this year. State Assemblyman D. Billy Jones, a Democrat representing the 115th district, says New York’s new gun law specifically prohibits all those activities. …

“The new law the way it’s written reenactors are not allowed to carry a firearm, a musket loading type rifle, black powder rifle, flintlock rifle, whatever because it’s in violation of the new law. The new gun law of New York state has claimed its first casualty: the Battle of Plattsburgh. It’s the first event happening after the new law went into effect on the 1st. There’s nothing in the law that let’s an exemption happen or a waiver happen for an event in a historical significance like we have here in Plattsburgh. We have over 70 reenactors that were coming to this event. Very disappointing.”
In a written statement, a spokesperson for the governor says:
“Governor Hochul passed new public safety laws to protect New Yorkers and keep them safe from gun violence. These laws allow historical re-enactments to occur, and we will work with legislators and local law enforcement to ensure these events can legally and safely proceed.”

But Assemblyman Jones said he has been trying to get a response from the governor’s office for days.

Because she doesn't give a crap.  She's shown she 'cares', and that's all that counts.

Notice that wording, 'we'll work to make sure they can legally proceed'; if your idiot law said it was legal you wouldn't have to work to make it so.

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