Wednesday, September 01, 2021

It seems the Pentagon is now claiming Updated

that a lot of the vehicles left behind were disabled.

Sure.  They catch hell for more than a week, and then suddenly out with "Don't worry, those things don't work anymore."

Let's say I have serious doubts.

One more thing:
There are conflicting reports about a bunch of contract service dogs being left behind.  The Pentagon & Co. are saying "We'd never do that!", while some people have said they saw some left behind.  As noted above, after the shit from the Pentagon the last while I have serious doubts about them telling the truth about damn-near anything.

We'll see.  On both, if they're lying, these assholes need to pay a price.  In the case of the dogs, if we can find out how they died, we use that to deal with the assholes.

Update: it appears some of the choppers were damaged; good for the guys who did it.

We also have this crap:
National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan appeared on MSNBC earlier Wednesday and refused to even call the Taliban an “enemy.” He failed to come up with a suitable word for the terrorist group that succored the architects of 9-11 and is reportedly going house-to-house to kill anyone who worked with the United States over the past 20 years.


  1. "Disabled"
    They left the keys on the visors

  2. Stuart5:01 PM

    I would like to think that this was true. I mean, who wouldn't sabotage all the gear? The rub is, that if it were true, they damn well wouldn't ruin it at this point to make points back home. They would wait until it became obvious six months down the road and then laugh on the national news about it.
    No friends and neighbors, these idiots didn't sabotage shit.

  3. "However, to correct erroneous reports, the U.S. military did not leave any dogs in cages at Hamid Karzai International Airport, to include the reported 'military working dogs'..."

    According to the Pentagon mouthpiece, they just didn't leave any dogs in cages at the airport. That leaves open the possibility that they just set them loose, or shot them, or gave them to the Taliban, or any number of other dispositions.
