Wednesday, September 01, 2021

I haven't seen any other reports on this; if it is correct,

heads need to roll.  And I mean literally.

Know what makes this really bad?  Biden tried to prevent the order to kill bin Laden; compared to that, why would he hesitate to give this one?

Pentagon spokesperson John Kirby refused to talk about it and railed against leaking intelligence.
Which doesn't automatically mean anything, but under the circumstances it sure as hell might.

If it's real, I think that a bunch of people with rank on their shoulders and the Biden handlers & Democrats in general are going to be having fits in the next while, because the one way some people will see to strike at the assholes is to leak stuff.  Which I imagine there is a lot of.

Throw in that there is probably going to be an uptick in terrorist attacks that can't be covered up...  Going to get sporty.


  1. I would not bet big money that the uptick in Islamic terrorism will be covered by the national media.

    The media will do whatever it takes to make their political activism and collusion look good. All they have to do is to NOT REPORT BAD NEWS. Anything less than a death count of 99 or a ten story building collapsing is firewalled. It is local news, if that.

    Sadly, there is not, viable alternative news media.

  2. This:

  3. We have a media that gave more attention to George Floyd than it did to 13 American soldiers who were murdered by terrorists, whose identity and location were known before the blast.
