Tuesday, August 31, 2021

If you've ever wondered why so many gun owners despise the BATFE,

and call them things like the BATFEIEIO, it's crap like this:
“Let the fun begin,” Gary N. Schaible replied. As an aside, but for context, he’s the ATFer who had to provide testimonial cleanup in 1996 for the head of the National Firearms Act Branch after he was caught on videotape essentially admitting to institutional perjury:

“Let me say that when we testify in court, we testify that the database is 100 percent accurate. That’s what we testify to, and we will always testify to that. As you probably well know, that may not be 100 percent true.”

This is a Professional Federal Agent telling other agents to lie under oath.  Think about that.

And some of them, and a bunch of politicians, wonder why we don't trust them...

1 comment:

  1. Stuart4:57 PM

    This is only news to "outsiders". ALL gov't agencies ALWAYS testify that their agency is 100% perfect. they can't do otherwise or they would never win in court again.
    I am licensed to practice before the IRS and the Tax Court. IRS will always claim it is perfect in it's wisdom and beyond reproach. If it should lose a particular court battle, it will acknowledge that loss (maybe) only to the party involved and will take the same "we are perfect" position on any identical case in the future.
    Governments are the enemy of mankind and always have been. If you are a gun person and this is news to you, then you have a lot of homework to do.
