Thursday, August 26, 2021

Same thing in the US, and we all know why:

because to the woke a Muslim is never a criminal, always a victim, and the victim will be blamed for causing the attack.
It should go without saying that we don’t know the full details of these gruesome events yet, including the identity of the perpetrator. But the suspect, whose image is being widely shared by the police and others, appears to be of Muslim heritage. And the attacks he allegedly carried out appear to have been vicious racist assaults.

Where are the hashtags? The ceaseless commentary? The impassioned speeches about the scourge of racism? Yes, the assaults have been covered in the media, including by the BBC, and the local MP, Diane Abbott, has implored more people to ‘speak out about these horrible anti-Semitic attacks’. But it is simply undeniable that there is less fuss and less fury about these acts of racist violence than there has been in relation to other acts of prejudicial assault.

And, if we are going to be honest with ourselves, we know why: wrong kind of victim and wrong kind of suspect. The victims are firmly in the category of ‘the unsympathetic’ in the outlook of the identitarian set: Jewish, and Orthodox to boot. You’re never going to see a victimised Hasidic Jew on a banner at a lefty anti-racist march. And the suspect, seeming to be of the Islamic faith, is all wrong too. Muslims are victims, not wrongdoers, right? It is the woke elites’ ruthless and racial categorisation of minority groups into blocs deserving of sympathy or blocs deserving of suspicion that has ensured these assaults have not become national or media flashpoints of concern.

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