Tuesday, August 24, 2021

First, note that our 'elites' and control freaks would love to do to us

what those in Australia are doing.  And they're trying to figure a way around that troublesome Constitution to force it.

Second, I do believe that some of said 'elites' aren't pushing it too hard, especially in some places, because they realize someone will decide "Screw this" and shoot them.  Which makes me think that the thing Australia might need is a large number of firearms in the hands of the inmates. 

As to the Australian cops, they seem to relish being prison guards and abusing people who have little ability to fight them.  That changes, some of the bastards might decide they need a new job.  While back one of their police commissioners was bitching that 'we've actually had to break car widows and drag people out because they wouldn't tell us where they're going!'  No, asshole, you didn't have to, you wanted to.  Maybe a couple of commissioners and some of the 'break windows and drag people out for not crawling' people met with what they deserve, it might start a change.

Why yes, I am seriously pissed.  People who'll shoot shelter dogs because 'The Virus!" probably wouldn't need much encouragement to start putting people in camps for the same reason, and start shooting the more troublesome ones.  People with that kind of attitude want to be Soviet Commissars, and should be treated as such.


  1. Having just been to Australia, I can tell you what you've seen is not happening all over. It is a country the size of the continental US. The dog incident occurred in a small town, not all over. The protests and responses have occurred primarily in Melbourne, and to a much lesser extent, Sydney. Victoria (Melbourne) is closer to San Francisco in temperment, the primary far left center in Australia. Sydney compares somewhat to San Diego in temperament.

    Victoria has been in lockdown practically since this started. Australia has nowhere near the case numbers as the US, and took a hardline, quarantine everyone with the Shanghai shivers from day one. The rest of society, where there were no cases, got to live their lives as usual, no masks, with check in at public places, without tourists from abroad or the ability for themselves to travel out of the country.
    The lock down madness is not all over, not all encompassing, and is not nearly what it is portrayed as on the news, at least for most of the country. The locals all supported the Aussie governments response to this from day one, have called the American approach highly flawed, and are finally realizing that their lockdown centric approach was the wrong path to take.

    Quarantine there sucked, would not recommend, 0/5 stars, etc.

  2. "start putting people in camps"...they already took 24,000 kids from their parents for forced vaxxing. try that where i live, ww3 just went hot.
