Thursday, August 26, 2021

God damn

Journalist Lara Logan is also in the region attempting to assist in facilitating evacuations. In monitoring the situation, she reports speaking to special operations officers who are vomiting as they realize they will be evacuated and leave Americans and their allies behind. The State Department told Americans to leave the airport last night and warned them not to approach the facility unless contacted to do so.

I wonder how many hostages Biden and the Woke Generals plan to leave for the Taliban?

My title for this is not meant lightly.  It's for every one of the bastards responsible for this cluster.


  1. I'm accustomed to Them winning in more than one way.. And figuring this out is not easy. I'm toying with the idea that They are specifically importing Muslims who are not friends, arming the Taliban and leaving hostages to be killed in order to Manufacture Consent to redeploy in Afghanistan.
    But That doesn't jibe with
    Surrender and leave so China can get the natural resources..
    Just thinking..

  2. a bunch of california students and their parents stuck there, but what the hell possessed those dumb asses to "vacation" in a fracking war zone, AFTER the pretender in chief announced we were pulling out? i say not one more soldier's life to retrieve idiots like that. frankly, the rest of the bunch should have known and gotten out when biden got elected. hostages? drop a bomb on their asses, no more hostages.

  3. How much did the USA pay to ransom Bowie Bergdahl? How much do you think they'll pay to the Taliban (or Iran) to ransom hundreds or thousands of Americans.

  4. justin, no its just ol joe's m.o. from vietnam to the kurds to now. not my problem, f them, they didn't fight hard enough he says with no idea the many non military people that have to help us get the job done at great peril to themselves and their families. frankly after serving 30 years myself, i wouldn't do it again nor do i advise anyone else to. they are bought n paid for, but likely china old joe to get out or they'd release the hunter files.

  5. Anonymous7:05 AM

    God will be the ultimate judge in all of this, he has his own timeline. Pray for those Christians who are abandoned in afganistan.
