Friday, August 27, 2021

Among the reasons 'Trust the Science!' doesn't have the force

a lot of people wish it did.
"Did Ariely commit fraud — he says no — or was the data set he got from an insurance company faked for some reason? People are looking into that, but in a way the problem is bigger. Whether or not it was Ariely’s fault, a study that influenced policy turns out to have been baseless. And scientific peer review, often defended as the gold standard for research, didn’t spot the problem.

But lots of stuff gets past peer review. Back in 2018, several hoaxers slipped works dubious on their face past peer review and into publication. One study, which made it into the journal Sex Roles, employed “thematic analysis of table dialogue” to determine why heterosexual men go to Hooters, a question that would seem to answer itself. Another looked at “Human reactions to rape culture and queer performativity at urban dog parks in Portland, Oregon.” And a third just scattered some modern buzzwords into translated passages from Mein Kampf and was published under the title “Our Struggle Is My Struggle” in a journal of feminist social work.

Meanwhile, leading names in the field of social psychology turn out to have committed research fraud to an extent that it tainted the entire field. And as The Wall Street Journal reported, “One noted biostatistician has suggested that as many as half of all published findings in biomedicine are false.”

Throw in people like Fauci telling you one thing and then another(with the excuse "The Science changed!" or, with Fauci, "I didn't want you peasants buying up lots of masks"; was he lying then, or lying now?), when should- can you- trust them?

Now they're saying "Two shots of the vaccine, and then you may need a booster, and then another shot later", causing someone to say "Why don't we just walk around with an IV of boosters?

The liars and "Well, it may not be quite right but it's what we want people to do" clowns are really damaging trust.  That is very bad in the long run.

1 comment:

  1. Mike-SMO6:48 AM

    Science and I have had a long trerm "snuggle", and Back-Office-Hustler Fauci's name never came up. He is an arrogant fool who thinks that he is playing with the "Cool Kids".

    As I am pretty sure that President Ttrmp knew, the vaccine was a "military" decision. What appeared to be a big nasty disease was "incoming". Previous mRNA "vaccines" caused long term "autoimmunity". No one had a clue if the spike protein was antigenic enough, even if a "nasty" adjuvant was included in the mix. No one had a clue about how much of the target (the "dose") should be administered to get a good response. Older folks, like me, get a much stronger version of the Flu shots that do the younger people. Too high a dose might cause nasty side-effects. Too low a dose might leave people to die from the Big Chinese Horribles.

    "Herd Immunity" is an obsolete joke. The concept is that a disease can't spread to vulnerable people through the "defense" of all the people who are in the community who are immune through recovery or "vaccination". That fairy tale went out the window with the invention of the choo-choo to say nothing of air travel or Interstate highways. First time that Uncle Wilber and Aunt Jess visit from Cuomo's death camps, you are Infected. Even that is a pipe-dream since the "vaccines" are not protective to begin with. The next step would have been lock-down, i.e. quarantine, which would have destroyed both the national and international economies.

    Turn out that thed "Chink Cof" had mutated a lot before it came to the "West". It takes massive propaganda and lies to keep up the fear of the "pandemic". Meanwhile, the "Elites" and Corruptocrats are gathering, maskless, to assemble power at "birthday parties" and "fund raisers" while admitting infected "Beaners" at our borders. That is part of the plan since "everybody" knows that the cities are doomed unless a new "useful" population is installed. That is what the Compton, California experiment was all about. A swarm of illegals took a high crime. Black city and brutally converted it into a prosperous Hispanic town, with next to no violent crime and plenty of opportunity for grift. If the economy of the U.S. is destroyed, so much the better for a replacement population. The Corona Cof is the least of your worries.

    The people who are vulnerable to the Cof, have comorbidities. "" notes that 90% plus of the deaths in Chicago had 1 or more comorbidities. Immune disfunction, Type -2 Diabetes, high blood pressure, obese, lazy.

    Fauci was a back office wheeler-dealer who thought he had an "in" with the Cool Kids. When the situation changed or the lies changed, Fauci was the sacrifice standing out front as a deceitful hack. He is a distraction and about as competent as the hacks at the FDA and CDC&P, Center for Democratic Conquest & Propaganda. Those morons couldn't even package the test kits that were available without screwing up the job. Political "hacks" all. "Science" ain't the problem. Talk to your doc: Vit-D3, zinc, and whatever he/she may have stashed in the bottom drawer.
