Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Short version: Californicated is screwed,

but the physical damage very often doesn't hit the asshats behind the screwing.

Example: power company wants to clear trees near power lines that are/can be a threat.  Response from idiots:
Some members of the Save the American River Association and the American River Parkway Coalition and others are fighting to stop PG&E from cutting down what they estimate could be 100 cottonwood and oak trees near a major electricity transmission line that runs through the parkway near Discovery Park.
“We do not think that process and planning should be thrown to the wind in a panic over the global problem of dealing with wildfires in California,” the river association’s Betsy Weiland said. “What is the real fire risk here?”
In the current fires, more than 40 dead, huge damage, and the enviroweenies are bitching- again- about doing ANYTHING to help in the future other than getting rid of people.

Also, asshats, your fires are not a 'global problem', other than idiots like you around the globe effing things up.

For the truly dedicated asshats, even if these fires did hit the cities where they live, they'd still insist on not interfering with 'the forces of Nature'; the others would have a real change of mind if it was THEIR home going up in the flames.  But idiots like the Governor they elected want to blame Globular Warmening/Climate Changering rather than deal with the actual problems.

And now they'll want the rest of the country to pay for the damage, guarantee it.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:29 PM

    Fine; let's not interfere with the forces of nature. Let's tie some of these idiots to a tree out in the hinterlands and let "nature" take its course.
