Tuesday, November 13, 2018

When seconds no longer matter because a good guy stopped the bad guy, these idiots

show up and kill the good guy.

And, just as the cherry on this rancid cake,
According to WLS-TV, four other people suffered non-fatal gunshot wounds in the encounter, although it was not immediately clear whether these gunshot wounds were caused by the shooter or by the police response.
Jemel Roberson, I can at least hope that the stupid, incompetent bastard pays some kind of price for murdering you.


  1. It must be tough, being a cop. You show up on the scene and the only guy you see with a gun ... you shoot him before he shoots you.

    I'm not saying the police man who shot the innocent was justified, and I'm not saying that he didn't demonstrate

    ... "Bad Judgement"....

    I'm just saying; I can see how it could happen, when responding to a "Man With A Gun" call.

    It's not "excusable"; not at all. But it's understandable.

    Not many people are willing to accept the responsibility of police duties, and many are (obviously) incompletely or inadequately trained. This is, perhaps, a good example.

    I'm just saying that "...the stupid, incompetent bastard ... " doesn't bear the burden of his incompetence alone.

    Somebody trained him (imperfectly) and sent him out into the field without a seasoned partner to teach him the judgement which his profession requires.

    Somebody alerted him to a "Man With A Gun" without sufficient information to identify the assailant.

    Somebody determined that a single officer should IMMEDIATELY be dispatched to the crime scene, without providing him with the information he needed to identify the "shooter"

    This was a tragedy .. that a "Good Guy With A Gun" was confused with a "Bad Guy With A Gun", and the good guy died while saving the lives of others.

    Well, us "Good Guys" need to be aware that the first cop on the scene can't tell one from the other.

    It's a tragedy, no matter from which side you look at it.

    I think we need to step back and consider the circumstances from all sides, before we start slinging arrows.

    I hate this. It all started because a certifiable "Bad Guy" decided to do wrong, somebody stepped up to stop him.

    And the cop never knew who was which when he arrived at the scene. Yes, he needed to be better informed.

    It could happen to you. Better buy a "I'm The Good Guy" shirt and wear it all the time, before you start blaming the cop.

  2. Yes, I'm going to blame the cop. All the other things- training, etc., the people behind those- definitely play a part, but he was the one who rushed in and pulled the trigger when he shouldn't have.
