Tuesday, November 13, 2018

In (formerly Great)Britain,

During the first six months of the year, police recorded 39,332 knife crime offenses -- a 12 percent increase over last year, according to the Office for National Statistics. Other violent crimes, including murder and robbery, also increased by double-digit percentages.
The true tally of knife crimes is likely even higher than ONS' figure, given Greater Manchester Police data was excluded by ONS because a review of its figures found they undercounting offenses. If those figures were included, the total of knife or sharp instrument offenses across the U.K. would climb to 41,884.
I'm sure someone will inform us that this isn't that bad because 'at least they aren't using guns!'

And, gee, I wonder why they were undercounting?  And doesn't that sound familiar...

1 comment:

  1. Someone10:54 AM

    I would guess the crimes were mostly done by some radicalized Mennonites or maybe some Amish or maybe some just 'good ole blokes' who had a wee bit too much to drink.

    Or, are the crimes mostly by those of a 'duh-verse' nature?
