Monday, November 20, 2017

More on why we treat ignorant, incompetent, bigoted journalists

as the ignorant, bigoted, incompetents they are.
On Thursday, NBC News botched the details of whether the recent California shooter was able to legally possess or manufacture firearms.

In a story about the firearms used by Kevin Janson Neal during his murderous rampage in northern California on Tuesday, NBC News made misleading claims and failed to report important details.
'Misleading' meaning 'lied their ass off'.
NBC's misleading Thursday report also quotes heavily from a misleading report the news outlet produced in February. That report, which remains uncorrected on the NBC News website, erroneously claimed it would be "perfectly legal" for a criminal to manufacture their own firearms. The ATF told the Washington Free Beacon at the time that it remains illegal for criminals to possess, let alone manufacture, firearms.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:08 AM

    BUT !!

    The media accidentally reveals a great admission - LAWS DO NOTHING TO STOP CRIMINALS FROM DOING CRIMINAL ACTS. Ergo, the reasonable response is having the ability to stop them from doing so by being armed.
